We are often asked about the packaging our Compostable Packaging is delivered in. In fact recently we had the following concern emailed to us from one of our customers:
"Are the wrappers of the cups and forks made of a starch based product? I do hope so?! And you may also want to look into alternatives to plastic tape to seal your boxes"
As this is a common question, we thought you might be interested in hearing our response:
"We are with you on how things are packaged. The sleeves and wrapping are made up of an LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) material. These are widely considered the most effective recycling material and would be dissected through waste management to then be recycled and reused as opposed to being left to compost. You may be familiar with the material makeup of supermarket bags these days? They are made up of LDPE to ensure their bags are widely recycled effectively.
As this part of the packaging does not come in contact with food, it shouldn't get contaminated with food waste, and so the best way to dispose of it, would be to recycle it. Compostable packaging is designed for packaging which has been contaminated with food waste and so will be rejected by recycling companies.
As for the tape, we use paper tape ourselves when we pack items. We are working with our manufactures to come up with a suitable alternative to standard plastic tape. I appreciate why they don't use paper tape because it is less durable and thus, can arrive with the recipient in ways which look tampered and so it can often result in returns.
That said, we would rather paper tape for everything. It's something we are always looking to encourage."
I hope this helps with your concerns. We are always looking as ways to improve our packaging and reduce our impact on the environment. Further to this, if you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us on 01480 309870.