Thank you for your continued support
As we all know, this year has been a very difficult year for the food service industry. We have all had to adapt and change our business models in some way. We know some of our customers have explored different revenue streams which they will continue with even after we come out the other side of COVID. We truly believe many of our customers will actually come out of this with a stronger business and have a more loyal customer base because of the extra lengths they have gone to keep their customers happy and buying.
On this note, I would like to take the opportunity to say a massive thank you to all our customers, old and new. You have supported us and trusted us to help you adapt your business to cope with the changes that have been forced upon all of us.
During this year, we have been through some big changes and have been fortunate to remain agile enough to help our customers when needed. At the start of the first lockdown, we helped one of our customers adapt, through the use of Produce Boxes, from supplying schools with fruit and veg to providing those who were forced to self-isolate with fruit and veg home delivery boxes.
There was a local butcher to us who started to do home delivery, which they had never done before, but they have now made it part of their everyday business. We have seen many new customers take on the demand for home grazing and platter boxes, and of course, customers adapting their businesses for Take Away orders.
Throughout this whole saga, there have been a lot of positive stories, and I think it is important hear about these to help all of us gain inspiration. It would be very easy to get lost in all negative news, and while it is also important to understand what is happening within these news stories, dwelling on it will not help us get out of it and move forward.
Christmas Closing Times
The last orders before Christmas will be shipped out on 22nd Dec. However, we recommend you place your Christmas and New Years orders before then as we know the couriers will be very busy during those last few days.
We will then start shipping orders out again on 4th Jan 2021. Our website will be open throughout our shut down. If you have an account with us, you can order via orders@evolutionpackaging.co.uk.
Any orders placed from 3:00pm on 22nd Dec until 4th Jan will be shipped out on 4th Jan. We will then be open as normal.