Christmas is about doing a little something extra for someone. Christmas isn’t necessarily about things - it's about being good to one another.
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. It’s about a time when everybody wants their past forgotten and their present remembered. These are the sentiments we should try desperately to embrace this year.
A year of turmoil, frustration and angst is not necessarily going to end perfectly but, there is cause for hope and optimism once again, with 2021 hopefully alleviating what feels like “the weight of the world” on our shoulders that we have all felt at times.
I don’t know about you, but I certainly believe this Christmas is as important as any other. It may not be idealistic, but this Christmas embodies everything it aspires to represent. It perpetuates a sense of giving and reminds us there is no better medicine than supporting one another.
We can all be forgiven for having our own interests at heart during periods of the year, but as the dust starts to settle, Christmas comes as a timely reminder that there are always the less fortunate and this is when our inherent selfless nature, shows humanity the way.
In an industry like ours, it’s hard to know where we best angle our support. We have been fortunate and proud that our business has grown throughout this year. We are proud to have been able to help so many businesses adapt in order to survive. However, it also means we’ve been at the forefront and have witnessed the many struggles so many businesses have endured.
So perhaps that’s the best way for us to give back. To send a message of support to local business. We live in a world of online shopping, fuelling the heavily funded. But as we watch the personalities of our local street markets dwindle, the core of our local communities suffers with it.
There may be limitations to our way of life as we stand, but one thing we’ve always been able to do, is walk. It’s beautiful out there. A crisp Winters afternoon walk is uplifting but it’s cold outside.... so, if you’re going for something as simple as a long walk, go and warm up those fingertips. Ask yourself before you head out, “where could we pop to on our journey? Which local business could do with our support” Why not grab a nice warm coffee, hot chocolate or mulled wine and sprinkle a little bit of cheer back into your community?
Evolution Packaging is based in the beautiful town of St Ives, Cambridge. St Ives is an old market town rich in history and character accompanied by some stunning landscape, lakes, reservoirs and the serene and picturesque River Great Ouse. Taking a stroll through St Ives town, I am reminded of its beauty every day as I ponder the thought-provoking architecture of its historical buildings. In the same breath, I am reminded more than ever that the vibrancy, energy and absolute bedrock of this town is local business.
When I go on my walk, I will aim for St Ives bridge. A stunning feature bridge with four beautiful arches reaching over the River Great Ouse – one of only a few bridges in the country with a chapel don’t you know. Day on day, I will grab a hot chocky from a local business in need of support and I aim to make it a habit. I will try and take that walk as regularly as I can this Christmas and choose a different business with every stroll. There is strength in numbers and if we all sing off the same hymn sheet, we can bring life back into our local village's, towns and cities.
One of the reasons Evolution Packaging has had an encouraging year is due to you... our customers. You have had so much to think about and yet, through all your trials and tribulations, many of you have come to us because you’ve needed to expand your business in ways you didn’t envisage. But you’ve come to us first and foremost because you won’t accept anything other than expanding your business the right way.
I can sit here writing all day thanking you for that. In a year of struggles, remind yourself that not only did you survive but you didn’t cut corners in doing so.
So, this is a letter of commendation and support for you, our loyal customers. It’s a motivational rally cry to your local consumers. It’s a reminder of our biggest strength – that community is everything and without one another, community cannot be expected to survive let alone grow.
Get off that couch, start walking and order a nice hot drink on your way and say thank you to your community.
In the words of Celeste “wouldn’t it be wonderful if everybody gave a little love.”