Going Green... Just what can I do?

by James Turton | June 15, 2018

Going Green... Just what can I do? - Header Image

Going green, environmentally friendly, eco-friendly, plastic free, are all buzz words at the moment, which is really great for the environment but just how do we go about doing that? We have come up with some key points that will help...

Reuse: using items again is a great way of reducing waste. Re using bags over and over again is one example. Lots of our customers have cotton or jute bags with their logos on which they sell to customers, not only is it great marketing, encourages people to reuse and remember to bring them again. 

Compost: some items just can't be used again therefore its best to dispose of them in a environmentally friendly way. Lots of our products are compostable which is a great solution, especially for the food to go market.

Recycle: making sure that any waste you have that can be recycled is, making sure that it goes into the correct bins is key. 

Up-cycle: Give your waste a new lease of life! Turn a tin can into a snazzy planter or an old gin bottle into a soap dispenser, the possibilities are endless, checkout this search on pinterest for even more ideas..... Pinterest up-cycling ideas

Clean up: cleaning up existing pollution is going to be a big part of solving our plastic problem. Local Beach cleans are a super way to get involved, with social media organised beach cleans are easy to find. 

Buy Local: Buying form a local source often makes a carbon footprint smaller, it helps local communities and supports local businesses. It is often easier to re use your own packaging.